STIGMA NFT CARDS — August Promotional Sale Details

Stigma Trading Cards
2 min readJul 30, 2021

First and foremost, thank you for supporting Stigma Cards. After months of hard work, we can’t wait to share our full project with the community.

We are excited to announce that our main sale will launch on the 20th of August.

Main Sale:

We will be selling Stigma NFT cards in packs of 1 card, 5 cards, and 10 cards. These packs will consist of common and rare cards. Each pack will include randomized cards from Deck 1.

The prices for each pack will be:

1 Card Pack = 50 ADA

5 Card Pack = 220 ADA

10 Card Pack = 420 ADA

These promotional prices will only be for the month of August. After August, they will increase to 60, 250 and 500 ADA respectively.

By purchasing any pack, you will also have a chance of pulling an additional Jolly Card. Jolly Cards will serve as tickets in raffles to win Epic and Legendary Cards (keep reading for more information).

Discounted Bulk Sales:

We are setting aside a limited number of “bulk pack purchases” for our collectors. What this means is throughout the month of August we are offering discounts for collectors who buy ten five card packs or ten ten card packs. Contact us on either Twitter or Discord for more details on how to get access to the bulk discount prices. Please note that there is a limited number of bulk discount packs available.

Jolly Cards and Raffles:

The Jolly Cards can be used to participate in our giveaway raffles, which will include 2 Legendary Cards and 15 Epic Cards. The only way to access the raffles will be by using the Jolly Cards as tickets. This means that joining the main sale will give you an exclusive chance to win the rarest cards in the deck.

Epic and Legendary Auctions:

100 Epic Cards and 18 Legendary Cards will be offered through an auction starting in September. We will share more information on how to participate towards the end of August.

Thank you!

You can discover the story behind the cards (and more!) on our new website. You can also view the updated deck chart. We will leave a link to our new website below. Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter to stay updated on development and promotions.

Thank you again for supporting our project. The team puts in countless hours of work to make sure we are delivering quality art and an awesome NFT experience. We hope that you’ll join the adventure!

